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Payment Method
1) Payment Method
Western Union connects people and businesses around the globe by providing fast, reliable and convenient ways to move money.Our 160-year history and more than 500,000 Western Union Agent locations in more than 200 countries and territories strengthen our commitment to offering our services in every corner of the globe.
We take pride in being close to our customers. Together with our Agents and more than 10,000 employees, we speak our customers' languages, live in their neighborhoods and share their culture. We are a key part of each other's lives.
Money-Moving Ambassadors
You can call us global ambassadors who move money. We do it:
1) In just minutes
2) Worldwide.
3) Reliably with the help of our Agents.
4) Seamlessly with the latest technology.
5) Via a variety of channels (online, via mobile phone and ATM) to meet our customers' needs
2) Bank Email Transfer
Interac e-Transfer
It's Convenient.
Transactions can be conducted anytime, anywhere via online or mobile banking.
It's Easy.
Only the recipient’s email address or mobile number and a Canadian bank account are required to send money.
It's Secure.
Money is transferred directly between financial institutions - without sharing any financial information.